Heat Transfer Oil
Operational use: +30°C up to +360°CAdapted for temperatures until +360°C
The heat transfer oil TOOL-THERM SH-3 is a high quality special oil which can be used in a temperature domain from +30°C until +360°C.
On the contrary to other kind of heat transfer liquids, the TOOL-THERM SH-3 is not classified as poisonous. Therefore it is not considered as hazardous goods in the sense of transport regulations.

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Description: mineral oil
Domain of application: only adapted for the use in temperature control units
Maximum operating temperature: 360°C
Minimum operating temperature: approx. 30°C
Colour: yellowish / light brown
Water solubility: difficultly soluble
Poisonous category: none – no hazardous goods

This heat transfer oil replaces all sorts of heat transfer liquids former supplied by TOOL-TEMP. Technically seen it has better properties, a higher temperature domain and can be mixed with most mineral heat transfer oils.

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